Meeting of the Minds
A group of administrators pose for a picture while sitting on a couch.

Cupstacking in PE
One of our students building/stacking cups in Physical Education.

A Para walks with her student
A Coach gives advice to a young student who's about to roll the ball
Meeting our Govenor
One of our students, along with our Superintendent pose with our Govenor at the Capitol.
Braille Challenge
ISVI is proud to host the Illinois Braille Challenge every year.

All Smiles
Two sisters enjoy time together at an event
Opening Doors
A Panel of Parents/Educators lead a session at Opening Doors

Future TVI's
Students from Mrs. Hurts' 3rd grade class at Eisenhower pose for a picture after a Braille lesson put on by the Pilot Club

Planting Trees
3 of our students pose for a picture after helping to plant a tree on campus

Conference Fun
Our top two administrators pose for a picture at the IAER Conference

Pictured are 3 students baking cookies in class with their Teacher

Cheer Clinic
The Quincy Notre Dame Pom Team poses for a picture with our Cheer Team. Thank You Raiders!

Life in the Dorm
Our students turn and pose for a picture at the table in a dorm
Opening Doors
Our Health Services Director holds one of our Opening Doors students. Both are smiling!

Our Residential Care Workers play a Vital Role with the care and welfare of our students. A group of RCW's pose for a quick picture. They are AMAZING

Chill Zone
Two students posed with 2 of our 1 on 1 aides at the Chill Zone

Wrestling Picture
Our Wrestling Co-op team poses for a picture after a Tourney

Outdoor Ed
One of our Nurses' wraps up a lesson in which a student is about to release a Butterfly from her hand

Random Acts of Kindness Week . Feb. 9-15
Join us during this special week dedicated to Keep Kindness Growing STC! It’s easy to get started, simply look for opportunities to share kindness, care and compassion. NO ACT OF KINDNESS IS TOO SMALL!Acts can be informal and simple, share a smile even with a mask, open a door for someone, greet a person in public or share an act of kindness in your own home.Acts can be more organized like those hosted by Random Acts Matter. Acts can benefit one person, a larger group like your co-workers, neighbors, or the whole community. Random Act of KindnessImagine a world where everyone puts in a little bit of effort to spread some kindness to friends, family, members, co-workers, and even complete strangers. How incredible would that world be? While we might not be able to fully realize this “ideal world,” we can take steps to make it a little bit better.And one of the ways we can do that is by observing Random Acts of Kindness Week. This holiday w
More About Random Acts of Kindness Week . Feb. 9-15
Pack the House @ Leos - February 12
The Freshman Class @ the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired is hosting a Pack the House Night @ Leo's Please mark your calendars and stop in for an amazing dinner for a great cause. We hope to see you there! On Wednesday, February 12th we'll host a Pack the House night at Leo's Pizza in Jacksonville from 4 - 10 pm. Leo's will donate 15% back of all food sales back to our Freshman Class @ ISVI. The Pack the House Night applies to Dine in and Carry out only. The only delivery that will be credited are deliveries to the campus of ISVI. Please help us spread the word.
More About Pack the House @ Leos - February 12
Braille Challenge : February 19
The Braille Challenge is an annual two-stage Braille literacy competition designed to motivate blind students to emphasize their study of Braille. The program parallels with the importance and educational purpose of a spelling bee for sighted children. ISVI will once again be hosting the 2025 Illinois Regional Braille Challenge on Wednesday, February 19 All students who are interested can contact Mrs. Roy to get signed up.You can email her at E-mail Mrs. Roy or visit her at her office to get registered. We can’t wait to see you all show off your Braille skills! For more information contact Mrs. Roy
More About Braille Challenge : February 19
Support our Students / School
We are very thankful of all the organizations and business' that support our students, school, and activities. The donations, advertisements, and sponsors obviously help us by their financial donations, but equally important: they help us to build stronger connections between the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired and the community. As with every school, budgets are tight and the cost of activities and sports continue to rise. ISVI is a residential school in which our students are from all over the state. Unlike our local public schools, the vast majority of our students are not local. At the same time, our students are integrated throughout Jacksonville and as a result, Jacksonville becomes their 2nd home. From their first day of attendance, our students learn to advocate for themselves and become as independent as possible. We’re fortunate in that this community embraces all the schools. This is evident by the local busi
More About Support our Students / School
Valentine's Day : Feb. 14
Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. St Valentine's Day is an annual festival to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration. Every year on 14 February people celebrate this day by sending messages of love and affection to partners, family and friends.
More About Valentine's Day : Feb. 14
President's Day : Feb. 19
Washington's Birthday is a U.S. federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Increasingly, the holiday has become an occasion to celebrate the birthdays of both President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln.
More About President's Day : Feb. 19
Welcome / Multiple Video's & Tour of ISVI
Welcome to our Virtual Tour of ISVI!Thank you for visiting our web site! Below are 7 links to separate Videos. The first two are about ISVI while 4 are news reports from Channel 20 out of Springfield on two of the several sports we participate in - Goalball and Track. At the end there's yet another Video of our Opening Doors Program. This website's goal is to be an added resource as to all the great opportunities that are happening for the students at ISVI. For more detailed school information click on ISVI's State website. You can also find links taking you directly to other local schools in Jacksonville such as ISD, Routt, & JHS. We are fortunate in that both Routt & JHS work directly with both ISD & ISVI. We are also proud to be a Leader in Me School. We're still a work in progress as we continue to include what's happening at our sister schools in town. It's a family
More About Welcome / Multiple Video's & Tour of ISVI
Women's History Month : March
Women’s History Month is a dedicated month to reflect on the often-overlooked contributions of women to United States history. From Abigail Adams to Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, to Rosa Parks, the timeline of women's history milestones stretches back to the founding of the United States. The actual celebration of Women's History Month grew out of a week long celebration of women’s contributions to culture, history and society organized by the school district of Sonoma, California, in 1978. Presentations were given at dozens of schools, hundreds of students participated in a “Real Woman” essay contest and a parade was held in downtown Santa Rosa.
More About Women's History Month : March
Camp Lions Registration Opens in early January! Students with low vision/blind and/or hard of hearing/deaf are all eligibleVisit https://lionsofillinoisfoundation.org/
More About 2025 CAMP LIONS
Casmir Pulaski Day : March 3
Casimir Pulaski Day is a local holiday officially observed in Illinois, on the first Monday of March in memory of Casimir Pulaski, a Revolutionary War cavalry officer born in Poland as Kazimierz Pułaski.
More About Casmir Pulaski Day : March 3
Swimming Season Begins March 3
SWIMMING Throughout the season, we work together with the Illinois School for the Deaf.We compete against other NCASB Schools and at the end of the 24-25 season, we will host the NCASB Conference Finals at Illinois College. For mor information contact: Ms. Lynch @ tori.lynch@illinois.gov Mr. Foster @ michael.foster@illinois.gov Ms. Strong @ mackenziestrong2262@gmail.com
More About Swimming Season Begins March 3